There has been a lot going on Behind the Scenes when it comes to TPSG and its game development. This Includes upcoming games such as MCMFD, TPSG RACERS. and Project Bridge. As well as older titles such as Ultimate Tank Combat and Robo Runner. We have been working on hard on those games, along with changing our Model and Rebranding. As well as the All new TPSG Insider. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR YOU ?TPSG will be improving upon Game Features and Quality, Better Experiences, and improvements to the Website. You can Try these Features for FREE. To get access to these BETAs just fill out the fourm on the TPSG homepage to Claim a free copy and then give us feedback through the Website or on the Apps Google Play. WHATS GOING ON WITH MCMFD ?We have been hard at work to bring a Quality Game Experience when it comes to MCMFD, and when it comes to making those experiences we want them to be the best of the best. We have been working on tweeking the Player Controls to make a more confertable Player Experience. Something else we have added is the all New Inventory System , which is currently very barebones , with not a lot of functionality. Another thing is we are going to be rebuilding the AI (Introduced in Alpha 0.0.1) to be a bit more functional as well as being more aggressive. Character Select is something we also would like to add with special abilites depending on the character chosen. For Example: the default charcter Wolf Hunter dosen't have any special abilities meanwhile if you were to pick a werewolf , it would have a unique melee attack named claw, but would not be able to use silver objects while the Wolf Hunter would be able to. Things that are also been worked on is powerups for weapons that will be able to turn a normal sword temperarly into a fire sword which can burn enemys or plant walls to be able to make it passed a room, or you will be able to get a fire sword that is already made, which will not require any power ups to use and will work unlimited times. These objects could be found by killing an Enemy or in a chest which can only be found in rooms locked that need a Key. Currently Alpha Build 0.0.7 contains only one Level (Chapter 1 Part 1) we are hard at work for the Next Level ( Chapter 1 Part 2) , this level is incomplete and still doesn't feel like a Quality Experience for TPSG. ROBO RUNNER 1.0.7 What happend to it ?Don't worry, Robo Runner 1.0.7 is still coming , however it is recieving a MAJOR OVERHALL. This Update will include a Name Change, Improved Level Textures, Improved Level Design, Reordering of Levels, Lots of New Levels, Lots of New Characters, a Full Soundtrack, a Story Arc, New Game Mechanics, and a lot more. Well we are continully working on this update, are current focus is MCMFD. However, even though this isn't the primary focus we still are working on making this game to have a Better Quality Experience. What is the Future for ULTIMATE TANK COMBAT ?Ultimate Tank Combat is our latest game released in late 2020 , and we would like to improve upon the current game. The game will be recieveing stage hazzords to all levels excluding The Arena and Apocolypse since The Arena is ment to be the most basic map and Apocolypse already has the moving Truck as a Stage Hazord. This Version will also add new Game modes such as Deathmatch, Arcade, Survivial, and MISSION. The Mission mode will be a Story Like mode, this will also be the Defualt way to unlock New Levels and New Customization. The New Version will also have a Menu overhall and a Shop to buy, customization parts , with credits being earned in any mode based on how well you do. We will also be adding a Multi-Player mode, this will allow you to Battle your friends in Tmed Combat, Deathmatches , Survival, Arcade, and Capture the Flag. Multiplayer Mode will also have a Team mode allowing for you and a Friend to Combat against 2 other friends. You will also be able to do 2 VS 1 or 3 VS 1 for more of a challenge. These modes will also allow you to earn credits for the shop. Credits will be very Easy to earn , Similar to Robo Runner but instead of collecting them through a level, you are earning them by completing a match. This version is currently being developed and will be recieving a Early Access soon. What is going on with Bridge ?the project Bridge originally annouced in 2016, is currently on recieving minor work, with a whole lot still to do. There is currently no News to share, but keep an eye out for it because you never know when there might be somthing to share. What Happend to TPSG RACERS ?As you may know TPSG RACERS is no longer available on the Google Play Store as of 2020, this is do to nothing be ready and this was more of a prototype using a Racing Game Templete from the UNITY ASSET STORE, with very little changes to it, with Google Play always changing its policys, the app was delisted by Google Play. Since there is not current plan for TPSG RACERS, we will not be relisting the app with an updated version at this time.
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